August 16, 2009

Heterosexualized media unmindful of Indian sensibilities

The forces of heterosexualization that control the Indian media today show such sexual intimacy between men and women on TV, unmindful of how vulgar it seems, and how it hurts the Indian sensibilities, because they believe its a matter of sexual freedom.

However, the same heterosexual media, in the West, censors any depiction of sexuality between men citing the sensibilities of people. Like it censored the kissing scene in the film Philadelphia, or in Alexander the great.

The India heterosexualized media is just the same. In fact, on a discussion on why Valentine day should be allowed in India, the forces of heterosexualization maintained that they would not like 'homosexuals' to have freedom, even when they wanted freedom for heterosexuality, saying its not normal.

Just like in the West, Western freedom is not about sexual freedom per se, but about heterosexual freedom, where sexuality between men is allowed only in a marginalized, ghettoized, third gender space.

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