December 29, 2008

Western Heterosexuality not possible unless men are broken from men

All this heterosexuality would not have been possible unless men were made extremely fearful of anykind of intimacy with men -- even social... because those who've been conspiring to bring about this situation (i.e., by inventing the concept of sexual orientation, or by incessantly propagating the third sex nature of the 'homosexual' orientation, or through various misleading scientific studies building one lie on top of another) know quite well, that unless, extreme force/ pressure/ fear is used upon men -- of the kind seen in the West, where men are even scared to walk hand-in-hand with another man -- men can't be forced to be heterosexual.

All this 'repulsion' between men, which is unprecedented anywhere in the world, and extreme in nature (just like Western Heterosexuality) isn't natural, and something this unnatural, takes a lot of human efforts, planning and resources.

Just like, to heterosexualize an individual male, the society needs to systematically block a person's sexual need for men through training, brainwashing, conditioning, threats, punishments, rewards, motivation, instilling fears and hatred deep down with him (and to achieve all this doesn't come cheap... but then industrialization has made human societies with vulgar amounts of resources to indulge in such exuberance), especially my making him believe that his sexual need for men is part of his 'femininity', that he'd never like to see come out or be developed, and even if he accepts his sexuality for men as masculine, there is enough social femininity tied with acknowledging the feeling (which goes against his inherent masculinity) that is going to keep the male fight off his sexual need for long. And then, of course, there are the innumersous social consequences of allowing theh sexual need for men to survive.

But, even in the extremely heterosexualized West, straight men have not been able to completely kill off their sexual need for men, and it does come out whenever it finds a safe vent.

Sexual Identity is not fixed and unchangeable

Sexual Identity is not fixed and unchangeable, but lends itself to social manipulation and engineering.

Homosexuals indulge in such double-standards, just like the rest of the Western culture. On the one hand, they keep seeing sexuality is a spectrum (but never really believing it), and on the other hand not only supporting the theory of 'sexual orientation', but also saying that sexuality is fixed and unchangeable.

If I'm feminine gendered, then I'd in any case feel 'different' and out of 'place' in a group of masculine gendered males. (just like a masculine male will feel different in a group of feminine gendered males). The gays, confused by their society's mixing of Gender with sexuality, confuse their feminine gender with their sexual feelings for men, and claim that they feel 'different' because of their sexuality. And, from there, they easily infer that anyone who feels sexuality for men, like them, should feel different from other men, and be one of them, and if such a man is resisting, then he is simply not accepting himself.

The strong relation that masculine males who like men feel with the main masculine male group/space/identity, is negated by the refusal of the Western society to acknowledge Gender (masculinity) as natural and valid. This invalidation of genuine feelings of gender also negates the feeling of being 'different' that masculine males who like men have with the 'gays'. This invalidation of gender insists that masculine males who like men are the same as 'queers' (gays) and 'different' from the main group of masculine males (straights), because of their 'sexual orientation'. This is the Forces-of-Heterosexualization (FOH) which controls the Western society, imposing their own agenda on men, through the oppressive concept of 'Sexual orientation'.

While masculine males do not feel this 'difference' of gender with other masculine males, in fact, it is because of this gender that they feel a part of the masculine male group. When the gays aggressively claim, that if you've sexual feelings for men, then you're 'different' from those masculine males, then the masculine male who likes men deep down does not agree. His sexuality for him is just a gender role, that he needs to adjust and hide, in order to be where he belongs -- in the group of the masculine males. And if masculine males are called straight, he's a straight too, and not gay. For they may define 'gay' as a man liking another man, but he realizes deep within him, without being able to place this feeling correctly, that 'gay' is about a feminine gender that he is simply not. If the Western society recognized 'masculinity' and 'femininity' as natural and valid, men would have been able to place their deep down discomfort, correctly.

Gender (masculinity/femininity) is the reason that effeminate and straight-acting males easily take to the 'gay' identity (effeminates do it more easily than straight-acting... the more feminine you're, the better you fit into the 'gay' identity, and vice versa). And Gender is the reason why masculine males do not fit into the 'gay' identity (even when they take it, for not knowing better, misguided by the Western propaganda). This plight of men will continue, till the Western society recognizes Gender as a natural and biological phenomenon.

December 20, 2008

heterosexualizing innocent minds

The FOH don't mind showing dating and sexual situations between boys and girls to kids on Disney channel, because their goal is to make boys heterosexual, but they don't want to show guys liking other guys on mainstream tv.

Forcing young boys to be heterosexual -- is it not their abuse?

Boys go through intense pressure in heterosexual societies to be heterosexual, i.e., emotionally, sexually and socially be interested in girls... masculine boys have no escape from this, because the society will not acknowledge their masculinity unless they prove their heterosexuality. Feminine guys have an escape from this, in that they can choose to be 'gay' or 'homosexual'.

Is it right for the society to pressurize such young and innocent boys to be heterosexual?