September 30, 2008

Its the gays who invented the straight identity

What has happened is that with the introduction of the concept of heterosexuality and homosexuality, the Forces of Heterosexualisation have redefined manhood as a sexual interest in men (with straight = heterosexual), actually its a definition made by the gays, who want to have complete control over man to man sexuality, not by straights.

With, this a man is not considered a masculine man, unless he has a woman next to him. And this makes men very insecure without the company of women, and that explains the straight rush for women.

Just look at all the advertisements on TV after Indian's heterosexualisation. Even an advertisement on male underwear always has a woman in it. The fear being generated is, if there's not a woman in your life, you won't be considered a man.

And likewise, lack of manhood is defined in terms of a sexual interest in men

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